Acquainting prospective lenders with the income opportunities that exist for large, medium and small size financial institutions as funding sources for the small to medium size equipment leasing operations.


Indirect Leasing Strategy is the primer for our next product:


Your Leasing Company in a BOX will be a self contained program to open an equipment leasing operation in your bank, credit union or manufacturing operation that would like to offer financing as a purchase option.  This program will also allow you to originate your own business or buy "deals" from leasing brokers in your area, or any where in the country.

If you're a bank or credit union and not offering its customers business equipment leasing, where are they taking their BUSINE$$?  Where  ever that business is going, so are the fees you could have been putting on your books!  If you purchase INDIRECT LEASING STRATEGY you will receive full credit toward the purchase of YOUR LEASING COMPANY IN A BOX.  This product will be delivered as a PDF file.