California Capital
Leasing Corp.

Dear Web Visitor:

Thank you for visiting our web site to learn more about our government and commercial equipment leasing and financing programs and our lease training and resource materials.

We also offer a Business Opportunity program for those individuals, or companies, who would like to become a part of the $200 billion a year equipment leasing industry.

Banks, factors, commercial real estate firms, equipment manufacturers and vendors are among many firms that may find our Partnering Opportunity an excellent way to increase profitability from an existing customer base.

California Capital Leasing Corp., a creative company with a vision for the future and a will to find a way to make it happen.

When finished perusing our Web site visit our
LINKS  page for associated sites on the internet.
Government Leasing | Commercial Leasing | Training and Resource Materials | Business Opportunity | Partnering Opportunity | Contact Us